Facts and data

  • Steel and aluminium packaging (2022)

    Oct 27, 2023
    Protagonists in the food sector since 1800, metal packaging has been widely used also in the cosmetics, pharmaceutical and chemical sectors. Dimensions and characteristics of the Italian market (final 2022 figures), broken down by type.
  • Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks: market and packaging

    Oct 20, 2023
    2022 data referring to the trend of the “drinks” sector describe limited growth in production and a significant increase in turnover. An analysis of the consumption of primary, secondary, transport and accessory packaging.
  • Report on the status of packaging - July 2023

    Oct 11, 2023
    Quarterly observatory of the packaging supply chain: situation updated in July 2023. General economic situation; analysis of manufacturing activity in 2023; final 2022 data for the packaging industry.
  • Industry 5.0 and the impact on manufacturing companies

    Oct 11, 2023
    The automation market Observatory 2023, published by Anie Automazione, is completed with interesting in-depth notes: "Industry 5.0 and the impact on manufacturing companies", making reference to the document “Da Industria 4.0 a Industria 5.0 - Verso un’industria europea sostenibile, umanocentrica e resiliente” (From Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0 – Towards a sustainable, human-centric and resilient European industry).
  • Luxury is changing, with brands’ innovation and digital

    Sep 26, 2023
    The Altagamma Consumer&Retail Insight 2023 survey, drawn up by the Foundation and by the Consulting Group, paints a picture of a demanding market, strongly growing and transforming, oriented towards the use of digital in all phases of the purchase experience.
  • Paper and cardboard packaging (2022)

    Sep 11, 2023
    It remains one of the most representative sectors of the packaging industry, both in terms of tonnes produced and turnover: in 2022 cellulose packaging represented 33% of global packaging production, while in terms of turnover exceeded 23.5%, percentages remaining quite stable over time.
  • Operating efficiency: a key element in investments

    Sep 08, 2023
    According to the 6th Couchbase survey, the drivers of modern transformative application projects are agility and accountability. An average investment of 33 million dollars for innovation projects is expected in the next 12 months.
  • Automatic machines: a new record is set

    Sep 04, 2023
    After 2021, the Italian packaging machine sector closes another record year, exceeding the threshold of 8.5 billion euros (+3.6%). Exports were good, but the domestic market was even better. Chairman Cavanna: “It’s an extraordinary achievement”.
  • An institutional day “Made of Paper”

    Sep 01, 2023
    The General Annual Meetings of Assocarta and Federazione Carta e Grafica were held in Rome on 22 June 2023. It was an important occasion to evaluate the state of a composite sector that continues to achieve numerous milestones in Italy, despite the challenges posed by the economic situation.
  • For Gen Z, cosmetics becomes digital

    Sep 01, 2023
    This argument was discussed at Cosmoprof as part of the CosmoTalks in a round table on the theme “Cosmetic art: Design your brand difference” organised in partnership with KANTAR, the data analysis, business consultancy and strategy agency, moderated by Jennifer Weil, European Beauty Editor of WWD - WOMEN’S WEAR DAILY.
  • Coffe & Tea (2021)

    Aug 07, 2023
    Focus on the coffee and tea market and on the types of packaging of these
    products belonging to the large “drinks” area.

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