Facts and data

  • IMA grows and relaunches right across the board

    IMA closes 2012 with a preliminary strong growth, with consolidated revenues of 734.3 million euros (+9.7%), EBITDA of 101.4 million euros (+9%) and a backlog of orders worth 404.9 million euros (+7.1%)
  • Packaging pharmaceutical products

    FIGURES AND TRENDS According to analysis by Prometeia, in 2012 the pharmaceutical sector as a whole (OTC and non-prescription, including for hospitals and excluding veterinary) did not exceed modest growth (+0.5%). The present report examines only OTC and branded drugs sold at the pharmacy, of which it analyzes quantity and packaging configurations.
  • A biopolymer foam

    The four-year ReBioFoam research project, an effort to develop a foam made from organic, biodegradable biopolymers, has come to a close. Used as a protective packaging solution alternative to synthetic expanded materials, it will reduce recourse to landfill disposal with a leap forward for recovery.
  • Recycling? It’s a bargain!

    The business volume reached by the Italian recycling industry is equal to that of the cosmetics sector and greater than that of textiles. But, most importantly, it’s growing: Conai explains the how and the why.
  • Research and entrepreneurship: between public and private

    Objective: innovation for competitivity The most important card to exit the crisis will be played in investment in R&D. We focus attention on structures within Italy, particularly in the area of Emilia, that offer companies suitable tools to effectively innovate and also to access funds. Focus on CRIT, IR4I, Aster. by Riccardo Ceredi
  • Almost a Bildungsroman*

    B&R are inaugurating the Italian Automation Academy, a structure entirely dedicated to training, and thus they are “writing” a telling story of commitment in favour of a serious approach to automation. The sense and the scope of this undertaking is rounded off by the network of relations and agreements with Academies, Research Centers and obviously, the market. L.G.
  • Packaging for cosmetics & perfumes

    DATA AND FACTS Following a 2011 growth rate totaling 4.6%, in 2012 even the cosmetics/perfume sector had to “take account” of the worsening economic crisis in Italy and in Europe: the drop is in domestic demand, in particular, and the “historically” countercyclical nature of the sector has marked the time. On the other hand, subcontractors and exports are doing well. The numbers for packaging, by…
  • Remote assistance turns smart

    Visionlab has empowered  the teleassistance and control of its products via the use of latest generation tablets and smartphones, based on Android as well as iOS (Apple) operating systems.
  • E-commerce+management+workflow: one software

    Edigit Ltd (BO, management software for Graphic Arts) presented last Viscom Italy a new integrated system dedicated to companies that print digital, which combines e-commerce+management +workflow in one solution.
  • Lidia Cattaneo is Entrepreneur of the year

    Among the ten “printing Oscars” distributed to as many protagonists of the graphics, paper&cardboard production and converting industry during the closing ceremony of “la Vedovella” awards (Milan, November 9th), the one assigned to Lidia Cattaneo has a special, exclusive flavor.
    Founder - and heart and soul - of Eurolabel, she was declared “Entrepreneur of the year”, which, for an industrial…
  • Dynamic Salon

    IN PARIS November 2012: Emballage finishes up its fortieth installment with a positive net balance. Info and products from the French packaging fair.
  • Exports and fairs: anti-crisis keys

    Exports can lift Italy out of the shoals of crisis. And, of all sectors, manufacturing has the best chance of success, as long as this country stops tolerating various kinds of parochialism and looks increasingly beyond its own borders. Some points for reflection from the Internationalization Forum Made in Italy organized by Messe Frankfurt.
  • The packaging sector – Data 2012

    Based on early estimates, 2012 marks a net worsening of the situation compared to 2011 (*): total packaging production fell by 3-4%, exports dropped 2.8-3%, imports increased slightly, and domestic demand fell 3-3.5%. The growth trends refer to values in weight.
    The negative growth figure concerns all eight sectors of the packaging industry.
  • Paper and board environmental contribution further reduced

    A little over a month after the coming into force of the new environmental contribution (CAC), the Board of Directors of the Italian National Packaging Consortium has decided to further reduce the CAC for paper and board packaging by 4 euros a ton, that will hence - as of April 1st 2013 - go from 10 to 6 euros a ton.
  • Giflex project

    QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS What are the strategies for planning a successful (and plausible) future for the sector? What are the essential reasons for communicating the value of packaging? What new developments have there been in the concept of environmental sustainability and its intimate connection with respect for consumers and their safety? And what opportunities arise from the relationship…
  • Altech to enter the US market

    The Italian company ALTECH (Advanced Labeling Technologies) has leveraged its success and excellent reputation during the last 20 years - with 80 distributors in over 50 countries - to launch a host of initiatives in order to enhance its presence in North America (US and Canada).
    It has set up an office in Cincinnati (OH) managed by its own, experienced Sales Manager Tom Giver.

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