
  • Circular economy and resource conservation with ultrasonic sealing

    A growing number of companies in the food sector choose to make their packaging with monomaterials and paper compounds to facilitate recycling at the end of its life. These options, aimed at improving the sustainability of the packaging, however, raise some critical issues during sealing, which can be easily solved thanks to Herrmann Ultraschall’s technology.
  • From Research to the Shelf - October 2020

    Monthly showcase of packaging solutions to communicate, protect and distribute commonly used products
    RI-MOVE, tecnologia amica dell’ambiente - Arconvert e Ritrama
    Un make-up tutto nuovo in vetro - Lumson
    Un “Sacco Green” - Novamont, Ticinoplast e Carton Pack per La Linea Verde
  • From Research to the Shelf - September 2020

    Monthly showcase of packaging solutions to communicate, protect and distribute commonly used products.
    R-PET at 50% for 1.5 l Ferrarelle
    Coffee Kosè by Kimbo changes its cladding
    Glitter paint, for a “WOW” effect - InDeco
  • From Research to the Shelf - July 2020

    Monthly showcase of packaging solutions to communicate, protect and distribute commonly used products.
    Recycled plastic for packaging "bio" sausages - Südpack
    Refill of detergents: new life to empty bottles  - Splosh
    Food ice: a zero impact line - Ice Cube
  • From Research to the Shelf - March 2020

    Monthly showcase of packaging solutions to communicate, protect and distribute commonly used products.
    Frozen in Ecobag - Frosta
    Ultra-light and recyclable for fruit and vegetables -Sorma
    Cardboard laminated to new barriers - Stora Enso
  • Cosmetics sector adopts sustainable packaging

    As part of an industry-wide shift towards sustainable and recyclable packaging, a number of leading cosmetics companies are already using green packaging to fight plastic pollution.
  • From Greece to Saudi Arabia: the journey of a premium water

    A water with superior flavour, winner of a Taste Award, deserves to become well-known far beyond the borders of its country of origin. That’s why Eurowaterland decided to send its brand Epirus Kostilatas Springs on a long journey, taking it from the green Athamanian Mountains to the hot terrains of Saudi Arabia.
  • Poste Italiane reworks its parcel design

    Poste Italiane too bears witness to the fact that the container is evermore important, having recently brought out a 100,000 piece, limited edition, highly special “collectors” pack. An Artist’s Pack, that recounts, in the style of Giuseppe Stampone, a trip across Italy by way of the most significant monuments, personalities, myths and symbols of the “Bel Paese”.
  • La Belle Haleine

    What do Chanel No. 5 and the history of art have in common? Can a bottle of perfume be considered a sculpture? Is the most expensive Eau de Voilette in the world a play on words? A bizarre journey through the paradoxes of the art of perfume and perfumes of art. Marco Senaldi
  • Boxes (d’artiste) and bubbles

    Founded in 1729, Ruinart is the oldest champagne producer in the world.
    The first to use ancient caves carved out of the stone beneath the city of Reims in order to age its wines. The first to store its bottles, starting in the 18th century, in wooden crates and the first to reinstate the traditional champagne bottle.

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